Saturday Afternoon Crossword Puzzle

While away the afternoon with a puzzle. Fill in only one word from the movie title, as appropriate. Bonus points if you come up with the theme of these horror films.


3. Puzzle box from Hell

6. Freddy's first foray into film from this thoroughfare

8. parasitic twin enclosure

9. Grandpa Joe got evil in Dead & ______.

11. Not found young men but lost...

12. Quintet of Stephen King stories

16. creatures that killed from the cosmos

17. Beloved cats, and more, don't stay buried in the...

19. werewolf warning


1. The kind of dead that plague poor Bruce.

2. Chucky's game

4. Uneeda Medical Supply originated this type of come back

5. trapped writer loses it with family before getting lost in maze

7. Satan might check in on vacation to ____ Hell.

8. Colorado mining monsters

10. Carpenter's ghost pirate atmospheric disturbance

13. A good camp to take a nap...forever.

14. Not far dark

15. Landis' lycanthropic lunar location

18. Shapeshifting snow dog
