Flash Fic Friday - MAGIC MUSHROOMS

Flash Fic - a short, short story of exactly 100 words...on some random Friday!


Gage mistakenly walked into the magical woods. His mother sent him foraging for supper, warning of the cairns marking the edge of the forest. He hadn’t noticed.

Gage picked a small mushroom. He was surprised to hear it yell, “Put me down!”

So he did.

Gage found a medium mushroom. It protested with, “Put me down!”

So he did.

A large mushroom would make a fine meal. Gage picked it. It demanded, “Put me down!”

So he did.

An enormous mushroom snatched up Gage as he was walking. Gage screamed, “Put me down!”

So it did.

Gage went home empty-handed.
